Edited by Predrag Cvetičanin, Ilina Mangova and Nenad Markovikj
Most of the papers in this book were presented at the international conference held in Skopje (Macedonia) in July 2013, organized by the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis“ and the Department of Political Science of the Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law, Sts “Cyril and Methodius” University.
Following the conference, an open call for papers was put out to other authors who study the social, political, economic, legal, cultural, religious, demographic, educational, and media changes in the societies of Southeast Europe in the transition period. Besides sharing a focus on the careful research of the phenomena which characterize the quotidian of Southeast European societies and a non-ideological approach to the study of the transition processes, the authors represented in this volume came from a wide variety of different disciplines (political scientists, sociologists, economists, anthropologists, philosophers) and applied the most varied methodological approaches and research techniques.
Predrag Cvetičanin, Misha Popovikj and Jasmina Nedeljković
Who Likes This Change? Perception and Evaluation of Socio-economic Changes in Western Balkan Societies
Ilina Mangova and Misha Popovikj
Civic and Political Activism in Western Balkan Societies
Vjollca Krasniqi
Beyond the Incomplete: Dynamics of Social Change in Kosovo
Nenad Markovikj
The Inability to Change: Dogmatic Aspects of Political Ideology in the Macedonian Context
Dimitar Nikoloski and Nick Adnett
The determinants of gender differences in responses to unemployment in post-transition countries: the case of Macedonia
Inga Tomić-Koludrović, Mirko Petrić and Željka Zdravković
Retraditionalization or Reflexive Modernity: A Sociological Explanation of Fertility Trends in Mature Transitional Croatia
Klavs Sedlenieks
Buffer culture in Montenegro: bratstvo, kumstvo and other kin-related structures
Dragan Stanojević and Dragana Stokanić
The Importance of Clientelism and Informal Practices for Employment Among Political Party Members After the 2000s in
Serbia – An Explorative Enquiry
Borjan Gjuzelov
The Role of Informal Connections in Macedonian Society: Social Capital or Corruption?
Džemal Sokolović
G. W. F. Hegel on Dayton accords or State (that of Dayton) of Bosnia Between Positive and Natural Right
Irena Rajchinovska Pandeva
Transition in the Balkans – Struggles of Homo Balkanicus and Homo Politicus